Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thoughts on Nudity in Art

Ever since I was introduced to the show 'Face Off" I have been hooked. It's exactly the work I want to do. The episode I most recently watched challenged the make-up artist to a body painting competition. I thought the whole thing was incredible. Now, I would be a fan of my model wearing a speedo or something. But, I get why there models were completely nude. Donald Miller a contemporary Christian writer who I am a fan of talks about our issue with nudity. Nudity makes us uncomfortable, heck, it makes me more uncomfortable then most. We associate nudity with sex and typically shame follows. But think about it. In the beginning when it was just Adam and Eve walking with Jesus in the garden they were naked. As soon as Eve ate of the fruit and they sinned they were made of there nakedness and hid. They felt shame. They covered themselves.
The world is fallen now. There is no perfection. We are a sinful and broken people. We wear clothes now. As an artist I ask myself will my art cause others to stumble? And lets be honest, its the men that I am worried about. I desire to work in an industry with the all to familiar mantra, 'Sex sells'. Coming from an educational background that dictates women are victims. We as women point our well polished fingers to Advertising Corporations, Fashion, Movies and T.V. I am not dismissing women as not being victims here. I am just saying we need to take some responsibility. The Editors of the fashion magazines that women are buying are predominantly women. The models are mostly women. There are many fashion photographers that are women. Women play a major contributing role in fashion as designers. Women are at fault as well. No one is holding a gun to the women modeling lingerie for Victoria Secret. I'm pretty sure the model posing on the cover of the Swimsuit Edition of Sports Illustrated considers posing in her bikini to be pivotal pillar in her career. I am saying what about the men? The numbers are staggering. 70% of men ages 18-34 admit to be addicted to internet pornography ( The numbers are probably even higher. Men seem to be victims as well from Advertising, Fashion, Television, Film and Social Media. Don't you think?
Here is my dilemma. I am a woman of Christ first and foremost. Secondly, I am an artist. My work should bring glory to His Name not my own. So here is my question, what is okay and what isn't? I see a nude body and I see canvas space. If I had the opportunity to be in a body painting competition I would do it in a heart beat. But I am given a moments pause now. Is that causing my brothers to stumble. We are to be in this world, not of it. I would love to hear some thoughts on this. This has been a problem for Christian artist for as long as I can remember. Not just the make-up art world but the fine art world as well when faced with drawing nude models. Thoughts?

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